WPC International Desk Staff
José Álamo
Chief International Desks
José Manuel Gálvez
Researcher and Instructor
Bonnie Castellanos
Researcher and Instructor
Michell Tinoco-Morales
Researcher and Instructor
Karimar Ledesma-Maldonado
Researcher and Instructor
Tropical Desk Current Fellows
Paused until April 2025
South American Desk Current Fellows
Paused until April 2025
Statistics: Fellows per country since 1988
Past Visitor Basic Information
All visitors: photos and basic information.
List of all visitors.
(Current as of 06 December 2019)
Remote Sensing applications to Weather Forecasting Workshop
in the DMC, Santiago de Chile, Chile (Nov 27-Dec 01, 2017)
Participants of the Remote Sensing applications to Weather Forecasting
(Emphasis on GOES-16) Workshop in the DMC, Santiago de Chile, Chile (Nov 27-Dec 01, 2017)
GOES-16 Workshop in SMN Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov 20-24, 2017)
Participants of the Nov 20-24, 2017 GOES-16 Workshop lead by José Gálvez and
Dr. Luciano Vidal at Servicio Meteorológico Nacional - SMN, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Seasonal Climate Forecasting Workshop in Lima, Peru (Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017)
Participants of the May Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017 Workshop lead by José Gálvez,
among 7 other instructors, at the Peruvian Weather Service (Servicio Nacional de Meteorología
e Hidrología - SENAMHI), Lima, Peru.
NWP Workshop in Santiago, Chile (May 16-20, 2016)
Participants of the May 16-20, 2016 Workshop lead by Mike Davison in Santiago, Chile.
Second session.
NWP Workshop in Santiago, Chile (May 09-13, 2016)
Participants of the May 09-13, 2016 Workshop lead by Mike Davison in Santiago, Chile.
First session.
NWP Workshop in Lima, Peru (Mar 07-10, 2016)
A small group of the participants of the March 07-10, 2016 Workshop on
"Forecasting El Ni˜o Rains for Northern Peru"
lead by Jose Galvez in Lima, Peru.
NWP Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia (March 18-22, 2013)
Participants of the March 2013 Workshop lead by Mike Davison in Bogota, Colombia.
Visiting Instructor Program
Rodrigo Castillo, 2016
Eusebio Cisneros, 2015
Franklin Unsihuay, 2015
Victoria Calle, 2015
Kathy-Ann Caesar
Osvaldo Gonzalez
Mike Davison receives the NCEP Isaac Cline award for his
Outreach efforts from NCEP Director Louis Uccellini
Left to Right: Weidi Flores Villanueva, Peru; Julio C. Rios, Argentina;
Dr. Louis Uccellini, NCEP Director; Michel Davison, International Desk Coordinator;
Saide Shakeer, Trinidad and Tobago; and Blas Humberto Cordoba, Panama.