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The Weather Prediction Center

WPC International Desk Staff

M.Sc. José Álamo 
     (Director WPC International Desks)
José Álamo
Chief International Desks
           Jose Manuel Galvez
     (Research Meteorologist and Instructor)
José Manuel Gálvez
Researcher and Instructor
           MSc. Bonnie Castellanos
     (Research Meteorologist and Instructor)
Bonnie Castellanos
Researcher and Instructor

Michell Tinoco-Morales
     (Research Meteorologist and Instructor)
Michell Tinoco-Morales
Researcher and Instructor
           Karimar Ledesma-Maldonado border=0 height=
Karimar Ledesma-Maldonado
Researcher and Instructor

Tropical Desk Current Fellows

Paused until April 2025
South American Desk Current Fellows

Paused until April 2025
Statistics: Fellows per country since 1988

Past Visitor Basic Information

  • All visitors: photos and basic information.
  • List of all visitors. (Current as of 06 December 2019)
    Some Remarkable Events

    Remote Sensing applications to Weather Forecasting Workshop in the DMC, Santiago de Chile, Chile (Nov 27-Dec 01, 2017)

    Remote Sensing applications to Weather Forecasting Workshop 
  in the DMC, Santiago de Chile, Chile (Nov 27-Dec 01, 2017)
    Participants of the Remote Sensing applications to Weather Forecasting (Emphasis on GOES-16) Workshop in the DMC, Santiago de Chile, Chile (Nov 27-Dec 01, 2017)

    GOES-16 Workshop in SMN Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov 20-24, 2017)

    GOES-16 Workshop in SMN Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov 20-24, 2017)
    Participants of the Nov 20-24, 2017 GOES-16 Workshop lead by José Gálvez and Dr. Luciano Vidal at Servicio Meteorológico Nacional - SMN, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Seasonal Climate Forecasting Workshop in Lima, Peru (Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017)

    Seasonal Climate Forecasting Workshop in Lima, Peru (Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017)
    Participants of the May Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017 Workshop lead by José Gálvez, among 7 other instructors, at the Peruvian Weather Service (Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología - SENAMHI), Lima, Peru.

    NWP Workshop in Santiago, Chile (May 16-20, 2016)

    NWP Workshop in Santiago, Chile (May 16-20, 2016)
    Participants of the May 16-20, 2016 Workshop lead by Mike Davison in Santiago, Chile. Second session.

    NWP Workshop in Santiago, Chile (May 09-13, 2016)

    NWP Workshop in Santiago, Chile (May 09-13, 2016)
    Participants of the May 09-13, 2016 Workshop lead by Mike Davison in Santiago, Chile. First session.

    NWP Workshop in Lima, Peru (Mar 07-10, 2016)

    NWP Workshop in Lima, Peru (Mar 07-10, 2016): Forecasting El Ni˜o Rains
for Northern Peru
    A small group of the participants of the March 07-10, 2016 Workshop on "Forecasting El Ni˜o Rains for Northern Peru" lead by Jose Galvez in Lima, Peru.

    NWP Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia (March 18-22, 2013)

    NWP Workshop in Bogota, Colombia (March 18-22, 2013)
    Participants of the March 2013 Workshop lead by Mike Davison in Bogota, Colombia.

    Visiting Instructor Program

    Rodrigo Castillo          Eusebio Cisneros
    Rodrigo Castillo, 2016

             Eusebio Cisneros, 2015

    Franklin Unsihuay          Victoria Calle
    Franklin Unsihuay, 2015

             Victoria Calle, 2015

    Kathy-Ann Caesar          Osvaldo Gonzalez
    Kathy-Ann Caesar

             Osvaldo Gonzalez

    Mike Davison receives the NCEP Isaac Cline award for his
    Outreach efforts from NCEP Director Louis Uccellini

    Mike Davison receives the NCEP  
       Isaac Cline award for his Outreach efforts from NCEP Director Louis Uccellini.
    Left to Right: Weidi Flores Villanueva, Peru; Julio C. Rios, Argentina; Dr. Louis Uccellini, NCEP Director; Michel Davison, International Desk Coordinator; Saide Shakeer, Trinidad and Tobago; and Blas Humberto Cordoba, Panama.

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    Page last modified: Friday, 10-Jan-2025 18:56:04 UTC