WPC/MOS Forecasts Display HELP

  1. Each "line" of the table gives the forecast each day (Day3-7) from either from WPC (first line) or from MOS (second line).
  2. For each day/forecast, the three numbers in white represent the Maximum Temperature (°F), Minimum Temperature (°F), and Probability of Precipitation (PoP) forecast (percent) for that day.
  3. The dates are in the format YYMMDD
    • YY = 2-digit year
    • MM = 2-digit month
    • DD = 2-digit day

    The first forecast will be the Day 3 forecast, the second will be Day 4, etc. The Minium Temperature will be the night minimum temperature valid from 0000 UTC to 1200 UTC that day. The Maximum Temperature will be the daytime maximum temperature valid from 1200 UTC to 0000 UTC. The PoP will be the PoP valid from 0000 UTC to 0000 UTC.