WPC-CCF Max/Min Temperature Differences for Days 3-7

The products displayed on this page represent minimum and maximum temperature forecast differences between the 14Z issuance of WPC's medium range products and the 08Z coded cities forecasts (CCFs). Minimum and maximum temperature differences for each day are depicted on the left and right side of the charts, respectively. Only minimum temperature differences are available at day 7. At the current time, CCFs for days 3-7 are not available from all WFOs; this will result in some discontinuities in the contoured fields.

Please note that the following products are experimental and may not be available every day. In addition, these products could be discontinued at any time.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about these forecasts, please click here to send us an e-mail

Day 3-7 Difference Forecasts
Click on a chart to view at full size

Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7