References and related articles
Bocchieri, J. R., 1980: The objective use of upper air soundings to specify precipitation type. Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 596-603.
Browne, R. F. and R. J Younkin, 1970: Some relationships between 850-millibar lows and heavy snow over the Central and Eastern United States, Mon. Wea. Rev., 98
Chaston, P.R., 1989: The Magic Chart for forecasting snow amounts. National Weather Digest, 14, 20-22.
Cook, B. J., 1966: The Lubbock Snowstorm of February 20, 1961. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, ESSA, Weather Bureau Southern Region, Tech. Memorandum No. 12. 10 pp.
Czys, R. R., R. W. Scott, K.C. Tang, R. W. Przybylinski, and M. E. Sarbones, 1996: A Physically based, Nondimensional Parameter for Discriminating between locations of freezing rain and ice pellets. Wea. Forecasting, 11, 591-598.
Doesken, N.J. and A. Judson, 1996: The Snow Booklet, A guide to the Science. Climatology and Measurement of Snow in the United States. Colorado Climate Center, Colorado State University. 84 pp.
Garcia, C. Jr., 1994: Forecasting snowfall using mixing ratios on an isentropic surface. NOAA Tech. Memo., NWS CR-105, U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS. 31 pp.
Goree, P.A. and R. J. Younkin, 1966: Synoptic Climatology of Heavy Snowstorms over the Central and Eastern United States, Mon. Wea. Rev., 94, 663-668.
Harms, R. H., 1970: Snow Forecasting for Southeastern Wisconsin. NOAA Technical Memorandum NWSTM CR-38, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, NWS, 17 pp.