These graphics indicate the potential (probability) for a location to receive specific thresholds of accumulated snow or ice.
Note the 4" threshold on the Snowfall Probability Graphic is drawn only for elevations less than 7,500 feet. Elevation criteria is not imparted for the 8" and 12" thresholds. Specific (deterministic) accumulations for a particular location in the United States can be obtained from the National Weather Service home page. The probabilistic graphics combined with the deterministic forecasts provide a user both the most likely amount expected from an event and the potential the event will produce accumulations in excess of specific thresholds. |
PROBATILITY DEFINITIONS The confidence levels used can be considered comparable to the probability of occurrence of the forecasted parameter as follows:
One should expect the confidence to lower as the forecast is extended out in time. To gain further insight into this forecast, please read the Heavy Snow Discussion (HSD) that accompanies these graphical products. |