HMT Experiments Webpage for Retro Cases

Welcome to the Weather Prediction Center's Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT) Retro Cases Webpage. All data displayed is archived data specific for HMT experiments.

Information about WPC-HMT can be found here. If you are intersted in participating in any of the WPC-HMT Testbed Experiments please contact Sarah Trojniak (sarah.trojniak@noaa.gov) or Jimmy Correia (james.correia@noaa.gov).

To use this page you MUST first pick a valid end time for your forecast. For instance, if you are forecasting for 16 UTC July 12 to 12 UTC July 13 2024 then you would pick July 13 2024 in the calendar. This will give you model forecasts starting at 12z July 12 going backwards from there. The zoomed choices are only for specific dates and models, do not click the buttons unless instructed to.

The 2024 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiment (FFaIR) is underway. A large focus of this year's experiment will be on the performance of the RRFS suite. To do this FFaIR is running a data denial experiment. On the webpage, deterministic models are now separated by either the HREF Group or REFS Group. The HRRR and GFS are in both groups since they will be operational after the implementation of the RRFS. In the dropdown menus, anything that is part of the HREF group is highlighed light blue and anything in the REFS Group is light purple. Refer to the 2024 FFaIR Operations Plan for more information or click here of a quick graphic of the groups. NOTE: Any MPAS models that we are plotting will be under the HREF Group even though they are NOT part of the HREF membership.

Please pick valid forecast end time (12z):

Defaulted to CONUS maps. Click to change map to preset zoomed view.

Click and drag slider or click slider to engage arrow keys

HRRR - 1 hr Composite Reflectivity
This image is unavailable how unFFaIR. Please use the slider to see if it is just this time period that is missing for this parameter or if it's the whole cycle that is missing.