Surface analysis charts are often considered the original
forecasting tool. Analyzing surface maps dates back to the mid-1800s, and has
changed drastically through the years. This project tells the story of how analysis
techniques and technology have evolved over the past 200 years and takes a look at
where surface analysis could be headed in the future. Surface analysis and weather
prediction not only directly connect to NOAA's National Weather Service's mission
statement of protecting life and property, but they also contribute to some of
NOAA's more public products.
Preserving NOAA History
For over 200 years, NOAA has played an
integral role in America's science community. Whether it is responding
to oil spills, monitoring extreme weather events, protecting resources
in coastal waters, or researching affects of climate change, NOAA gets
directly involved. Years of NOAA's advancements and achievements in the
earth sciences have led to years of unwritten American history. In an
effort to preserve our Nation's history and heritage, executive order
13287: Preserve America, was signed by George W. Bush in 2003. NOAA
proudly responded to the order and started the Preserve America Initiative
Internal Funding Program (PAIIF) in 2005. This project, "Surface Analysis:
Where it has been, Where it is going", received funding in 2010 from the
program, and shares PAIIF's goals of preserving, protecting, and enhancing
historic NOAA properties and heritage assets.
A Project Funded by NOAA and the Preserve America Initiative