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The Weather Prediction Center

Domain 7. Western South America
Graphics use 1° GFS Model Output

Terrain elevation in meters above sea level. Source: GFS0.25°(NOMADS-NOAA).

Enhanced GDI and Flow - EGDI.CMD
Very similar to the GDI, the Enhanced GDI (EGDI) diagnoses the potential for convection and rainfall accumulations. Loops include low- and upper-tropospheric flow and other variables to evaluate if atmospheric dynamics are favorable for triggering and/or sustaining convection.
(NE South America)

(NW South America)
(NE South America)

(NW South America)
Central Andes Precipitation Accumulation Index - CAPI.CMD
Tool to evaluate the potential for types of precipitation amounts in the central Andes. CAPI is computed using 700-400 hPa mixing ratios (for column moisture content), 600-400 hPa relative humidity and its advection (for dry air entrainment), 700-500 hPa mixing ratio flux convergence and 300-200 hPa divergence (trigger and dynamically-driven ascent), 500-250 hPa shear (preservation of storm structure), and the Lifted Index (deep-layer instability). Boxes appear when the chance of precipitation increases, upon the climatological diurnal cycle of convection. The expected intensity is reflected in colors: green=light, light blue=moderate and fuscia=locally heavy amounts.
Also plotted, the enhanced GDI (>30, >45 and >60 in thick yellow, red and fuscia contours). The flow is the average of 600, 550, 500, 450 and 300 hPa in kt, to evaluate the origin of the air mass entering the Andes, storm cell motion and potential for 'trasvase'/spill over of precipitation into the coast.
Implemented on 27-Jan-2020. Last update: 07-Feb-2020.

Being restored

Being restored

Note: These algorithms are only forecast tools, not official forecasts. For information on the algorithms, click on the red text.

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Page last modified: Thursday, 12-May-2022 19:51:38 UTC