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Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI)
The WSSI does not depict official warnings and should always be used in context with official NWS forecasts and warnings. For more information, please refer to the following links: Product/Service Description Document, WSSI Fact Sheet, WSSI Infographic, WSSI Users Guide, Interactive ESRI Story Map, WSSI Future Work

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Overall Impact: Maximum impact from any of the components.

Snow Amount: Potential impact from snow amount and snow rate.

Snow Load: Potential impact from the weight of snow on structures.

Ice Accumulation: Potential impact from the ice accumulation and wind.

Flash Freeze: Potential impact from rapid decreases in temperature from above to below freezing with the presence of liquid water.

Blowing Snow: Potential impact from falling snow combined with wind.

Ground Blizzard: Potential impact from snow on the ground combined with wind.

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WSSI Overall Blowing Snow Flash Freeze Ground Blizzard
Ice Accumulation Snow Amount Snow Load

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